Filmmaker Pradeep Sarkar is an angry man these days. His latest film Laaga Chunari Mein Daag which opened at cinemas last Friday may have received lukewarm reviews from the critics, but it's still running, and Sarkar can't seem to understand why people insist on running it down.
Contrary to popular belief, he says, the film is doing good business, and throws numbers at you to make his point.
"It was tight budget film made with Rs 15 crore and already on the first week it has made Rs 25 crores gross worldwide. In what way we are saying that it is not doing well?" asked Sarkar.
Admitting that the film did take a slow start in the domestic market, he's hopeful it will grow on audiences in the weeks ahead, much in the same way that his debut film Parineeta did.
He doesn't grudge criticism, but says critics shouldn't harm a film's box-office prospects.
“People have their own point of view. Criticism is fine. But don’t say don’t see it. That is not criticism. That is actually saying ‘Don’t go and watch it’,” said Sarkar.
Refuting criticism that Laaga Chunari Mein Daag is a regressive film, Sarkar says the movie seems to have struck a chord with several people whose opinion he respects.
“My point is if it’s regressive film, there are people like Raj Kumar Hirani, Bachchan saab (Amitabh Bachchan) and Javed saab (Javed Akhtar) who have liked the film. I don’t think they are regressive people. They are very much now,” said Sarkar.
In no mood to spend his energies singing his own praise, Sarkar says he's already moved on to newer projects.
For him, Laaga Chunari Mein Daag turned out exactly the way he'd planned it. And that, for him, is what success is.
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