Ex-lovers Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone are having a tough time being cordial after an argument on the sets of the untitled Yash Raj film they are shooting for in Australia . After they parted, the two newbies remained friends and were looking forward to working together but the vibes between them are far from friendly.
A source from Sydney reveals that Ranbir and Deepika are barely cordial to each other. The reason is a stand off that happened soon after they landed in Australia for shooting.
A source says, “Everything was fine between them when the shoot started. Ranbir and Deepika would hang out together, and talk like old friends. However that has gradually changed and now they interact only for work purposes.”
The problem began when Deepika felt the Kapoor boy was being aloof. An unitwalla adds, “Ranbir isn't the sorts who sits and gossips for hours between breaks. He sits in his van and watches movies or chats on the phone. This irked Deepika, who felt given their history, he should spent time with her.”
What made matters worse between these debutantes of 2007 was the OSO girl's excessive ragging of Ranbir. She often teased him about his various link-ups and whatever she was talking behind his back came back to Ranbir.
As a result Ranbir confronted Deepika and asked her to stop pulling his leg and discussing his love life with others on the sets. She denied gossiping about it and this led to a heated argument. Since that day Ranbir and Deepika have kept their distance from each other. They come together for shots but don't talk or hang out otherwise,” concludes the source.
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