Bollywood diva Sridevi will dazzle the silver screen once again and its none other than Yash Chopra who is scripting her comeback. The reigning queen of the 80's n 90's Sridevi was spoken about by Yash Chopra.
Yash Chopra revealed the same while Sridevi was being felicitated as the living legend of Bollywood. Fans of the superstar will be awaiting her comeback onto the silver screen and what better than doing a movie under the Yashraj banner.
Yash Chopra said that they were working on two scripts and praised Sridevi as he said that she is a wonderful actress. Bollywood veteran actor Rishi Kapoor too only sung praises for his Chandini. He said, "Sridevi is iconic and people have tried to model on her."
Interestingly though the once hit pair with tremendous on screen chemistry did not even acknowledge each other at the event. But film maker Yash Chopra couldn't stop raving about them and said that the duo shared a good chemistry between each other. With the two yesteryear superstars not even acknowledging each others existence, we wonder if its much ado about nothing.
(Times Now)
omg!!!!!!!! is this true?????? this wud b awesome. only a YRF film, or more like a YR directed film wud do full justice to Sris comeback!! pls come back SRI
Yeah Alla, it sounds toooo good to be true, only Yash-Raj can do justice to the script written for Sri, plz plz come back soon....
Will be eagerly waiting for the announcement
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